About Us
Established in 1986, Box Hill Area Toy Library is run by members and volunteers.
Join us as a Session Coordinator and receive a complimentary 6+1 toy membership for the duration of your service.
Our history
Established in 1986, Box Hill Area Toy Library is a volunteer-run, independent Not-For-Profit organisation.
We exist so parents and carers can borrow a wide variety of educational toys, puzzles, costumes and games for children aged six months to six years.
We are currently located within Whitehorse Council’s Box Hill South Family Centre, 1228A Riversdale Road, Box Hill South, VIC.
If you are interested in membership, volunteering or joining the committee, please pop in to one of our borrowing sessions, or contact us.

Volunteer as a borrowing Session Coordinator
Without help from our members, the toy library cannot operate.
We need Session Coordinators to open the library and ensure the smooth running of borrowing sessions.
The toy library provides full training to all our volunteers who work in pairs.
If you would like to put your hand up, please schedule your duties at a time you can commit to in MiBase.
If you cannot attend borrowing sessions, there are Committee positions available that can be done from home.

Community mission
Box Hill Area Toy Library aims to:-
- Provide inexpensive children’s entertainment
- Promote sustainability and reuse of toys
- Facilitate community connections for local families
- Encourage parents to play with their children
- Help children have a range of play experiences

Box Hill Area Toy Library is entirely run by a volunteer committee of management.
The committee is made up of local parents to provide play opportunities to children in the community.
Roles include; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, IT Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, Party Pack Coordinator and borrowing Session Coordinators.
Committee members receive a free annual membership as a token of appreciation for their commitment for a year.
If you are interested in joining our committee, please email president@boxhillareatoylibrary.org.au

I am looking for volunteer opportunities, can I help at the toy library?
Box Hill Area Toy Library is always looking for volunteers to assist us with the running of the toy library. The toy library provides full training and support to all our volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering with the Box Hill Area Toy Library please email president@boxhillareatoylibrary.org.au
How do I complete my member duties?
All toy library members are expected to complete five volunteer duties per year. Without volunteers, the toy library cannot run.
These duties include four one-hour sessions helping at the toy library and one special event, such as helping with fundraising or stocktake. Without help from members, the toy library cannot operate.
Toy library duty lasts for one hour during borrowing sessions and volunteers assist Session Coordinators by counting returned toys. Volunteers will always be supported by a committee member.
Members wishing to schedule their duties can do so via MiBase.
Box Hill Area Toy Library is run by a volunteer committee of management. Roles include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, IT Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, Party Pack Coordinator and most importantly, Session Coordinators to ensure the smooth running of toy library borrowing sessions.
I am very busy, do I have to complete my duties?
It is a requirement as a Box Hill Area Toy Library members that you complete your duties.
We ask that you do your best to assist in the running of the toy library.
An exemption to duties may be provided in the event of sickness, the birth of a new baby or other family change.
If duties are not completed, members will not have their bond refunded or rolled over upon renewal of membership.
If you cannot attend borrowing sessions, there are committee positions available that can be done from home. Please email connect@boxhillareatoylibrary.org.au for more information.
What our members say